Friday 11 April 2014

a long copy ad with no logo

An actual product brief (which had nothing to do with the thought or creative)
spurred me to create something. But the 
But the product had some rather rigid brand guidelines, which even included a mandatory cartoon character. 

So for my own kicks, i did an alternate piece of communication, which'll mean i'll work without the constraints of guidelines and (shudder) mandatory cartoon characters.

The result - this spec ad. It's based on something I observed. And for a change it's in long hand. (To test out the long copy theory, I got a friend who manages a mall to have this stuck as a poster near the food court, it was deeply satisfying to note the 
number of people who stopped and actually read the whole damn thing,  
proving that if it's interesting, it's read. 
Did this while at EuroRSCG, Delhi.

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