Friday 11 April 2014 - Issued in public interest

a long copy ad with no logo

An actual product brief (which had nothing to do with the thought or creative)
spurred me to create something. But the 
But the product had some rather rigid brand guidelines, which even included a mandatory cartoon character. 

So for my own kicks, i did an alternate piece of communication, which'll mean i'll work without the constraints of guidelines and (shudder) mandatory cartoon characters.

The result - this spec ad. It's based on something I observed. And for a change it's in long hand. (To test out the long copy theory, I got a friend who manages a mall to have this stuck as a poster near the food court, it was deeply satisfying to note the 
number of people who stopped and actually read the whole damn thing,  
proving that if it's interesting, it's read. 
Did this while at EuroRSCG, Delhi.

Monday 13 January 2014

Himalaya TVCs



Corporate Chattisgarh – anti-terrorism campaign

An anti-terrorism campaign, created for a tabloid called Corporate Chattisgarh. 
The objective of the campaign was to raise at least a doubt in the minds of the TG which included a whole range of people who might be tempted to support, encourage or assist terrorist groups. Many of them were both well-qualified and well-settled with jobs in leading corporates and found their militancy through ideology rather than social or material deprivation. As well as youngsters who might be nurturing the idea of joining a terror organization, about the futility of religious violence. 

This campaign picked up a Clio.

Foster's The Elusive Coasters - Don't drink and drive

Winner of 2 Cannes, One Show, Ad Fest Asia, Spikes, etc.

Foster’s Art of Chilling IPL ads

Foster’s tied up with a cricket team, but the players were unavailable for the shoot as they were in various places at the time. And the advertising budget was tight. But as usual ‘chilling out’ came to the rescue – we did not shoot.

Foster’s Art of Chilling Cyclothon

The clients tied up with a cyclothon event, it went against the brands ‘chilling philosophy’ but we managed to salvage the situations by bringing in cycle rickshaws, so you did your bit for the planet, but in a chilled out way.

Foster’s art of chilling concert specific tees

obviously, we weren't there

Foster's Art of Chilling Tee Shirt's - general

The art of chilling calendar

the calendar featured only the dates of weekends and holidays. We made sure that it reached people a week after New Year’s day. 

Foster's Art of Chilling screensavers

Foster's Art of Chilling - a radio spot and more work

Foster's Art of Chilling Rolling Stones magazine ad

these three ads appeared in 3 consecutive pages of the 1st Indian edition of the Rolling Stones magazine

Foster's Art of Chilling launch campaign